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Please note: This software is supplied 'As Is' - In most cases the software company does not provide technical support. PC Answers will answer problems arising from installing full software on this disc but is unable to answer general computer enquiries.



By: Avantrix
Contact: HomePage
System: Win 95/98/NT/2000/XP
(not been tested in Me)

Limitations: None - full program

Backup Plus 5.6.2

Need help backing up your files? We have just the solution you need

We've given you the software you need to partition your hard drive to keep your data that little bit safer from Windows problems. But it's still an excellent idea to back up your important files on to a different physical drive, be it a second hard drive or a removable drive like Zip or CD-RW. Backup Plus supports DirectCD-formatted CD-Rs and RWs, so you can keep your backups separate from your PC.

Backup Plus combines the best elements of previous PowerDisc back-up giveaways, but proves easier to use and more powerful than any of them. Backup Plus works by creating back-up sets, which point to specific files or folders. Rather than create a single back-up set for everything you wish to back up, consider creating separate back-up sets for different parts of your system.

Your first back-up set
First select File, New Backup Set. By default the program will point to the Backup Plus folder, but you might want to save it elsewhere for additional security - remember this is the location for the back-up set file, not your actual backup (see below). Once you've named your file you'll be shown a bare window with three entries: File, Folder and Exclusion. Click the down arrow next to the Add button and you'll be prompted to add files, folders, wildcards or exclusions to your back-up set.

Files and folders are logical - just browse for a specific file or folder - use the Settings button to automatically include sub-folders within a selected folder. Wildcards enable you to include specific files from a certain location - for example, choose *.txt to include all text files in your backup. Exclusions work in the opposite way - in other words, you can pick specific files, folders or wildcards that the backup should ignore.

Once you have some files, folders and exclusions set up, you may wish to alter your selection. Right-click on an item and you'll find extra options, including the ability to remove that item from the selection. When dealing with folders that contain sub-folders, open up the main folder in the usual way and you can then remove individual sub-folders at will.

Back it up, and other options...
Once you're ready to make your backup, click on the Backup button. You'll be given one of three options depending on what you're backing up to. Make the appropriate choice, the backup will proceed and you'll be given the option of testing your backup after it's done - we recommend you do so. Restoring your backup in future is as simple as loading the program, opening your back-up set and clicking the Restore button. Everything will be returned to its original location.

By default the program will compress your files so the backup takes less space. To change the level of compression and other options, click the Settings button. Take the time to go through these dialogs - you'll find you can configure the program to your own individual needs quickly.

Of course, half of the problem involved in backing up data is remembering to back up on a regular basis. Click the Tasks button, choose Schedule Timed Backups and click OK to start the process so Backup Plus will update your backups for you in future.

Register Backup Plus
If you'd like to receive free support for Backup Plus 5.6.2, you need to register the program in order to obtain a product serial number. Go to www.avantrix.com/bpserial.htm in order to do so.

Upgrade to v6 for just US$9.95!
If you've found v5.6.2 useful, you may be interested to learn that Aventrix has put together a fantastic upgrade offer to the very latest version for just US$9.95. Aside from bug fixes, you'll find the following new features in the program:

  • New and improved user interface.
  • Ability to modify Timed Backups
  • You can now log your actions in a log file.
  • Adding new folders to existing back-up sets now faster and easier.
  • Restore backups within Windows itself by double-clicking on the BAC file.
  • More control over your back-up sets.

To order
You need to go online to order. Click here - you'll need a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express) to order. The upgrade costs just US$9.95 for an electronic download, which is around 6Mb in size.

Support For Trial Version

By: Avantrix
Contact: HomePage
Email: Patric Rockley

Backup Plus 6.0 - Demo



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